are many things to be said about children. They bring joy, enrichment,
and many responsibilities in the parents' life. I have a two and a
half year old at home. Because of him my priorities in life
changed, and I just can’t wait to get home and see him, to play with
him. I enjoy all the words he says I don't understand, and the sound of
barefoot running around the house.
In the same token, a small child
means sleepless nights when the little one has cramps, or when he just
wants to cry, and nothing seems to sooth him. It is very easy to give
him a bottle of milk or juice, and just let him calm down while drinking
the milk. But here lies the danger of opening a big can of worms for
problems in the future. The prolonged contact between the milk (or
juice) and the teeth will soften the enamel. This will lead to an
explosion of cavities on almost all of the teeth. I saw many times
little children, with rotten baby teeth, and while it is true that
baby teeth will change with permanent teeth in the future, once the
cavities start it is very difficult to control the destructive process.
In addition to all the unpleasant aspects of decayed teeth, this will
also lead to very unhappy memories of their first visits to the
dentist, with long lasting effects. There are no parents who don't love
their children, or who don't want the best for them. So when you are
tired, and just want little Johnny to sleep peacefully for at least one
hour, please don't give him a bottle with milk in his crib. Give him
water instead, and you will ensure that Johnny will have a great smile
when he grows up, and also he will enjoy going to the dentist, because
the only treatment he will have will be a pleasant cleaning, and a toy
from the toy box.
Until next time have a great day and a wonderful smile.
Until next time have a great day and a wonderful smile.